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<<SCHOOL NAME>> 是 Wildflower Network of school 的成员,是 <<CITY>>、<<STATE>> 的 Wildflower School。 Wildflower 是一个由分散的蒙台梭利微型学校组成的生态系统,为儿童、教师和家长提供支持。 Wildflower 渴望让所有儿童和家庭有机会选择优质、优美的学习环境,让他们跟随生命的展开之旅。

Starflower Montessori School is an authentic Montessori environment that affirms the identities of every child and frees them to rise to their highest potential. We are a community embedded school that welcomes and nurtures children and families in a culturally sustained environment. We cultivate mind and body in a way that allows children to create justice in the world around them.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop well-rounded children who flourish in all that they do on an academic, social, and emotional level. Children will be excited about learning and build deep relationships with one another. All families will be confident that their children are in loving hands and are receiving an excellent education.

Child stacking pink tower blocks



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